Name: Hot Shot
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Generations - Legacy Evolution
Year of Release: 2023
Size Class: Deluxe (Wave 1)
Mold Status: new
Unfortunately, this release does not include his Mini-Con partner Jolt (that was left for an exclusive release instead...), but he still retains the gap on his rear spoiler.
In terms of size, Hot Shot is fairly decent, he is shorter and lower than most other Deluxe vehicles, but also wider, so it evens out.
There is a little bit of a gap behind his front bumper but otherwise, this is a decent vehicle mode.
You can actually remove the engine block for a slightly smoother hood (well, as smooth as it can be with the recessed area).
A transformation with the complexity just right, so that he doesn't feel too finnicky or too unsatisfying. The hood splits into two and rotates to form the legs. The back folds up to become the robot's back. The arms flip out from underneath and there there's just a little bit of shifting panels to move the roof away and flip out the head.
Hot Shot's robot mode is decent. The character can be hard to create a figure of due to his transformation scheme, especially the shoulders.
He carries a fair bit of kibble, such as the rear of the vehicle on his back, but he has a good reason for this and it is accurate to the cartoon.
Despite how his shoulders still looks so awkward, he has full range of articulation. He has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and ankles.
Despite the amount of kibble, Hot Shot is surprisingly nimble, although the way his ankle tilts are jointed can make them hard to reach.
Unfortunately, unlike the original toy, the cannon is neither springloaded nor does it have a missile. Understandable given the budget these days.
A great update to a character that really needed it, since both the original toy and the 2008 Universe update had major flaws.
Hot Shot is a fantastic update and he is a really fun figure to boot. Both modes look like, and the fact that he retains the shoulder cannon gimmick in robot mode is awesome, and makes him a worthy update to the character.