Sunday, July 21, 2024

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Studio Series Gamer Edition Sideswipe (Deluxe)

Name:  Sideswipe
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - Studio Series
Year of Release:  2024
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 24)
Mold Status:  new


Sideswipe transforms into a red Cybertronian sports car, based upon his appearance in the War for Cybertron game.

This new figure makes the vehicle sleeker than the original, and looks pretty nice as a result.

Size-wise, he is small-ish, unfortunately, he's a little bit hollow underneath as well, most of the vehicle is a shell.

His robot weapon can peg onto the roof, but there's nowhere to store it.

You can see from the side profile the slim side windows.  He has four rolling wheels and that pretty much encompasses all the play value in this mode.

He's well painted, with the silver highlights, red on his hubcaps, and the black windows, so this isn't a bad mode at all.


Transformation scheme is not too hard and is fairly fun.  It'll pleasantly surprise you at how solid and intuitive it can feel.  The front folds onto his back, and his arms come from underneath the.  The back forms the torso and the feet from the sides.


Sideswipe's robot mode isn't perfect, but he looks better in person than in phot.s

He carries a fair bit of kibble on his back, namely the whole front of the car, but it is tucked quite closely against his torso, allowing him to feel solid in hand.

The head sculpt is fine, nothing spectacular and he has a neutral facial expression.

He's about on par with the standard Deluxe in terms of size and height.

As part of the Studio Series line, he comes with a cardboard stand that depicts a scene from the game.

Articulation is fine, he has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

He comes with a weapon, a gun.

Like other Gamer Edition figures, you unplug his right arm and replace it with the game, but the gun is too small for it to look good or like that his hand morphed into it...

The gun can peg onto his back when not in use.  The other good thing though, is that the peg used to peg it onto his back is 5mm in size, meaning he can actually hold it in his hands, rather than you having to replace his whole arm with it.  That is a great improvement over previous figures.

The other weakness of the robot mode are the feet, which looks insubstantial, being thin panels.  Thankfully, they hold up better in hand than photos show but it is another area for improvement.

To be fair, this is a good looking robot mode and that tiny change of allowing the weapon to be handheld now, really helps improve the line compared to previous offerings.


Sideswipe is a solid figure.  The vehicle mode is really nice, it perfectly captures the alien but sleek and speedy nature of the vehicle.  The robot mode is also an improvement over the original figure from over a decade ago, with better proportions, although this figure is not without its own set of flaws.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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