Name: G2 Leadfoot
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Generations - Legacy
Year of Release: 2022
Size Class: Deluxe
Mold Status: retool of Earthrise Mirage (itself a retool of
Siege Mirage)
Released in a 2-pack with Masterdominus in the Wreck 'N Rule Collection set of exclusives, G2 Leadfoot transforms into a yellow and blue Formula One race car.
This is a nice alternate mode, and the blue has an amazing shade of metallic blue that really makes the figure pop with the yellow.
Leadfoot is a retool of Earthrise Mirage, itself a retool of Siege Mirage. Basically, it's the earth form of the Siege version and there is a significant amount of changes here, including a tiny bit of the transformation. As a result, the spoiler looks much better than the original Siege figure.
Both guns peg onto either side of the vehicle.
The only play value here is rolling him on a flat surface, but still, this is a fantastic vehicle mode.
He transforms pretty much the same as the Siege Mirage with a minor tweak to his arms. The front splits into half along with the sides to form the legs. The arms, instead of completely folding into the spoiler, is a little bit more spread along lengthwise (the vehicle mode is actually slightly longer than the Siege version thanks to this), and splits for robot mode. The head is revealed along with the fake torso from underneath the vehicle mode (rather than the back like the Siege mold). It is a clever and more substantial retool than you'd expect.
Robot mode brings out a little bit more of the blue to the thighs, so he basically has a yellow upper body, and a blue lower half.
This is a pretty good looking robot, with little in the way of kibble. The rear wheels nicely slots into his back, only the front wheels and fenders kind of stick out the back of his legs.
The head sculpt is new compared to the Earthrise Mirage, and it looks awesome here with the red eye visor.
A quick comparison with the original Siege Mirage, and Leadfoot still has the semi-awkward looking lower legs, but thanks to the darker color scheme, it isn't as bad here.
Articulation is fine with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and some ankle tilts.
He comes with a pair of guns, one slightly bigger and longer than the other (with a painted purple tip to boot).
He can hold both weapons in both hands and looks pretty good with them.
The guns can store on his back when not in use.
Unlike Mirage, the guns are not designed to sit on his shoulder as a shoulder cannon (although you can attempt to do it).
A fantastic little repaint, and the G2 colors are quite subdued for G2, making him much easier to accept and blend in with other figures.
This is a really good looking repaint, even if you don't like the character. Although for a more obscure character like this, it is the right decision to put him as an
exclusive (rather than clogging up shelves by shelfwarming), but this also makes him more expensive than a normal Deluxe. Thus, if you are interested, it is probably best to wait until a sale.
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