Review: #423
Name: Blackout
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Line: The Last Knight
Year of Release: 2017
Size Class: Tiny Turbo Changer (Wave 1)
Mold Status: new
Blackout, like the rest of the Tiny Turbo Changers, comes in a blind bag although there are letters at the back of the packaging (as well as a small window) to allow you to determine who is in which bag.
Blackout transforms into a super deformed military helicopter, based upon the first movie.
He is cast from one plastic color and thus the rotors are painted black (they also do not rotate). The sculpting is okay for something this size.
These are cheap figures and so they're small and rubbery. Above is a comparison against RiD (2015) Legion Drift.
Considering the low cost and target market, Blackout's alternate mode has its own charms.
Transformation is extremely simple, the sides are the arms that you just pull slightly out. You end up pulling out the rear of the helicopter and flipping it around to form the legs. Stand him up and that's it.
One of the good things about the Tiny Turbo Changers against the previous Tiny Titans is that they actually transform, no matter how simple they are.
While it is basically just the helicopter stood up, it is good enough since you have all the intricate sculpting.
In robot mode, Blackout gains a little bit of extra color. His face is painted silver and his eyes red.
Again, he is really tiny here but that's part of the appeal of this size class. Seeing how small he is, you will also probably forgive the simplicity.
Forget about articulation, only his arms swing and that's it.
Provided what the designer had to work with, this is not a bad robot mode.
Going into this size class, you have to understand that these are low cost figures. Taking that into consideration, Blackout is a cool little figure that also transforms to boot.
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