Thursday, June 14, 2018

Book Review: Dragonar Academy Volume 10

Review:  #753
Title:  Dragonar Academy Volume 10
Series:  Dragonar Academy - 10th volume
Author:  Shiki Mizuchi
Read Before:  no
Comments:  This volume was good in that it effectively carried a full arc within itself.  A new character enters the fray and is not a female to add to the harem.  Rather, it is supposedly a new villain, being Oscar, a (distant) heir to the throne.  He is powerful and a match for even Rebecca.  Apart from the various combat scenes, Ash is swamped by all the attentions of his female friends.  A few of them have already made their feelings clear and in this volume, more come out which feels overdone and clichéd.  The typical plot points appear such as Eco getting jealous and Ash getting another ark to save the day.  However, the fast pacing pushed enough events forward to keep things interesting and the reader engaged to finding out how it will all resolve.
Rating:  6/10
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