Friday, September 14, 2018

Patriots Day (2016)

Patriots Day depicts the events that happened in the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, and the subsequent investigation and arrest of the bombing suspects.  Quickly into the film, the bombing happens and we see the aftermath of the horrific event.  It really hits home how terrible a tragedy it was, with pain and suffering to all the people affected.  Even more so when you realize that this event will affect them not only physically (with many losing limbs) but the trauma that comes afterwards.  We see the investigation by the police and FBI that quickly makes progress, and at times, you have to remind yourself that this is based on the actual events and you will be surprised and impressed at how quickly that they are able to home into the suspects.  You also come to realize that they are not all knowing and they rely a few times on the public to help them finally take them suspects down.  It might look like a typical movie with the escalating gunfights and retaliation but you have to keep reminding yourself that this is not an exaggeration and it actually happened.  It is an emotional film that has strong performances and does a great job of communicating the not only the horror of the events, but also the incredible support by people afterwards.

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