Friday, October 19, 2018

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually is a Christmas themed ensemble romantic comedy, and ended up becoming a classic for Christmas viewing.  Following so many characters, each has their own mini story about their search for love, trials of love and other love-related matters.  It presents a nice variety although this also means that none of them get too many details, just enough for you to understand the characters' situations and root for them.  Despite getting a bit out of hand with the developments toward the end, you can't help but smile at the happy endings (and some bittersweet endings) and how things are resolved for each of the pairings. Throughout the film, you also see snippets on how each of the characters are connected, they don't directly influence each other's stories but it's a common thread that ties them all into one cohesive film.  It is surprising as how much the film captures you with its characters and scenarios.

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