Saturday, September 28, 2019

Book Review: Is this a Zombie? Vol. 1

Review:  #868
Title:  Is this a Zombie? Vol. 1
Series:  Is this a Zombie? – 1st volume
Author:  Shinichi Kimura
Comments:  It starts off well enough, the main character is a zombie, kind of weird but acceptable.  Then the heroine turns up being a Magikewl Girl, which is still satisfactory.  Unfortunately, one the other characters turn up, including a vampire ninja and a magic user, you start to feel that there are too many things trying to be squished into one coherent plot but it doesn’t work.  They feel too discrete and it doesn’t help that there’s no clear objective of what the manga is about.  It tries very hard to put in some fan service and humor but feels predictable and clichéd.
Rating:  5.5/10
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