Friday, March 5, 2021

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules (2011)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2:  Rodrick Rules is based on the book series of the same name.  As the title implies, it focuses on Greg's older brother, Rodrick, and their relationship.  Unlike the first film, the plot is a lot more consistent and feels less like a series of connected (but disjointed) events.  Greg and Rodrick's relationship was always rocky, as Rodrick tends to play pranks and bully Greg.  However, through a series of events, from conspiring to host a giant party at home to serving out punishments together, they end up improving their relationship.  There are scenes lifted straight of the book and it works quite well in live-action.  The humor is great, and the things that happen to Greg is a lot less cringey.  You tend to side with Greg a lot more rather than just pity him.  Despite the inappropriate behavior that Greg exhibits from time to time, the film has a good morale that becomes apparent at the climax.  Rodrick Rules is a funny film that has a decently paced first half although it starts to feel bloated towards the end.
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