Monday, July 19, 2021

Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn (3DS)

Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn is a port of the Wii game for the 3DS. It comes with minor new additions such as new yarn abilities for Kirby and mini-games. This was the last big first-party game for the 3DS and it’s not a bad swan song for the system. As with a lot of the later releases for the 3DS, it doesn’t support 3D. The concept of the game is that it takes place in a world made of yarn, this includes Kirby. This is explained via the story where Kirby encounters an evil yarn sorcerer by the name of Yin Yarn, who warps Kirby into Patch Land. There, Kirby becomes yarn and loses the ability to suck. Instead, Kirby retains the transform power by rearranging the yarn that makes up Kirby’s body. It is explained that Kirby has to help Prince Fluff recover all seven pieces of magic yarn in order to save Patch Land.

The game is a sidescrolling platformer and despite the yarn influence, plays somewhat similarly with previous Kirby games. Kirby can still jump and float by turning into a parachute. Running is replaced with Kirby transforming into a car and swimming by turning into a submarine. The main change is that instead of inhaling, Kirby can whip out a piece of yarn to turn enemies into yarn balls that Kirby can throw. The whip is also used to latch onto pulleys, levers and swing points. Transformation only happens if Kirby collects a special piece and once transformed, these give Kirby special abilities such as making and throwing bombs, slashing a sword and spinning like a tornado. Some of the best parts of the game are the special transformations that take over a part of a level. These are imaginative and clever, such as transforming Kirby into a giant tank so you can glomp and stomp your way through the level, or have Kirby surfing through a level.

Each level has beads to collect which are scattered about or by defeating enemies. These are plentiful and acts as currency to buy furniture so you can decorate your own apartment. There are three special collectibles in each level which are usually hidden away from the main path. Being hit by an enemy will cause you to lose a lunch chunk of your collected beads but if you’re fast enough, you’ll be able to collect most of it back. One thing to note is that Kirby cannot die but you can restart the level at any time. The game on the whole is on the easier side. The levels are imaginative and clever, often playing around with the foreground and background. The opening levels are pretty stock standard and a bit generic. However, it soon opens up with some clever ideas. Kirby may get a drill to drill through the ground, or have a boss battle against a yarn dragon where you dodge obstacles. The UFO special transformation allows you to suck up enemies and use a shockwave to clear the screen, and the game eventually has shoot ‘em up sections which are heaps of fun.

The levels get a tad bit harder towards the end of the game such that the collectibles aren’t as straightforward or naturally stumbled upon. You’ll have to go out of your way and do some slightly tricky platforming. It’s nothing that can’t be handled since at its hardest, it still isn’t too difficult. Boss battles are pretty fun actually. They’re not hard and rely on pattern recognition but there are enough variety and slightly challenging so that these levels aren’t boring. You’ll only have minor frustrations with the later bosses before you recognize their patterns (once you do, they’re a cakewalk) and areas where enemies keep getting in your way by respawning as soon as they’re out of the screen and you move back. The game is overall cute and happy. It gives everything a chipper personality and it works really well. There is just something charming and relaxing about a colorful world filled with inhabitants made of yarn. This is a fun and relaxing game that isn’t too long. It takes around seven hours to finish the fifty levels. All the new characters, including the villain, felt right at home within the Kirby universe.

If you thought the normal difficulty was too easy, then the newly added Devilish Mode is a harder mode where a bat constantly follows you. It hounds you and tries to hurt you. You’d want to avoid being hit since you can unlock new collectibles by doing so. In traditional Kirby fashion, there are various mini-games including bead collecting, hide and seek, Slash and Bead where you control Meta Knight to slash your way through four stages, and Dedede Gogogo where you rush through a level as Dedede to finish within the time limit. Overall, Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn is a great port of a fun game. Despite its transition into the smaller screen, it works flawlessly. The platforming is still as fun as ever, the yarn abilities is new and refreshing, and the game has a great cute overall upbeat atmosphere that’s perfect for a break between darker and more serious games.


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