Sunday, October 16, 2022

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Legacy Knock-Out (Deluxe)

Name:  Knock-Out
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Legacy
Year of Release:  2022
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 2)
Mold Status:  remold of Studio Series 86 Jazz


Knock-Out is a G1 reimaging of the Prime character, he transforms into a red sports car.

This is a pretty good sports car mode, although the two robot feet stick out the back isn't great, at least it's better than Jazz's.

The robot weapons can peg onto the roof and sides.  Unfortunately, there is not enough space underneath to store them there.

In terms of size, Knock-Out isn't too bad, he's a little bit smaller than TLK Bumblebee.

A good looking sports car, and works well as G1-ified version of the character.


He transforms pretty much the same as Jazz, so it can be simple and uninspired.  The arms fold out from underneath and rotates out.  The front folds down to form the robot chest, and the back splits into two and extends to form the legs.


Robot mode is also decent although he loses some of the more unique elements of the character, at least he is still recognizable as Prime Knock-Out.

Obviously, he's a lot more blocky given the G1 aesthetics.  He packs quite a bit of kibble, being the folded up roof and doors on his back.

The head sculpt is quite nice, and the white painted face contrasts nicely to the rich red.

He's fairly small in robot mode, above is a comparison to Siege Sideswipe and to SS86 Jazz, where you can see that most of the figure is newly sculpted, only sharing a few smaller parts.

Articulation is standard affair, which is to say great.  He has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

He comes with two weapons, a gun and a "shield".

The gun, surprisingly, actually looks pretty decent as a gun, while the shield can peg onto the outside of his forearm.

The shield is more like a melee weapon and doesn't look to bad pegged like that.

However, the two weapons' true form is really combining into his iconic spear / trident.

The handle has an additional 5mm peg angled in such a way that he can hold the weapon upright, and it looks great.

The spear can also store on his back, using the same port as vehicle mode.

A good looking, albeit simple, robot mode.


Knock-Out is a solid figure.  He's not the best, and he can be a bit too boring considering that he doesn't do anything new.  He's also not an extremely iconic character, but he does have a nice vehicle and robot design.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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