Sunday, August 25, 2024

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Legacy United Origin Wheeljack (Voyager)

Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - Legacy: United
Year of Release:  2024
Size Class:  Voyager
Mold Status:  new


Origin Wheeljack transforms into a Cybertronian hovercraft based on his appearance in the first episode of the G1 cartoon.

This is a very boxy alternate mode, and that's on purpose.  It has its certain charms.

He is a good size for a Voyager figure, although you'll find out shortly that it's only his appearance, since the figure is very light and hollow.

Even though it doesn't look like a Lancia at all, the iconic colors still makes him recognizable as Wheeljack.  He doesn't have rolling wheels so he can only sit flat, but he sits a bit higher off the surface to look like he is hovering.

He comes with a robot gun and two fan accessories, the former pegs onto the roof, and the latter pegs on his bumper.

He also comes with a transparent piece of plastic, that can be used as a piece of Cybertronian road for Wheeljack to go along.

The piece is made from three pieces, which you can separate (although that can be a bit tough and it can be scary as it feels like you can break it), and then wrap it around the windshield as a blast shield, it looks really nice like that.

Opening the back you can see it is completely hollow, which is slightly disappointing.  However, this is also the final gimmick, where he can fit Origin Bumblebee in it.

Despite the unorthodox vehicle mode, it is a very good vehicle that packs in a surprising amount of gimmicks.


Wheeljack has to transform from a boxy vehicle into a robot mode that looks like it has a sports car as its alternate mode.  It does this with a clever transformation.  Basically, the whole vehicle is made up of panels that fold and collapse upon each other.  While it could have been very complicated, it is done in a clever and satisfying way.  The arms are the simplest as they are the bumpers.  The back is mostly the legs, but a lot of the vehicle folds upon onto there, and the rest forms a slim-ish backpack.


Wheeljack's robot mode is... Wheeljack.  He even has a faux chest that looks like it's the windshield from the Lancia.

Due to the transformation and the fact that you had a big boxy vehicle, Wheeljack contains a lot of kibble.  He's very chunky but considering everything, the designer has done an impressive job of folding everything away.

The head sculpt is clearly Wheeljack, although it's a little bit more rounded than you would expect.

Wheeljack is very short in robot mode, approximately the height of a Deluxe.  He makes up for it by being chunkier than a typical Deluxe.

The backpack is two big panels and despite its size, in hand, it is not as bad as what you'd expect from looking at photos.

Despite the chunky look, Wheeljack has the full range of articulation, and his kibble doesn't get in the way at all.  He has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

As mentioned, he comes with a few accessories, he has a gun, two fans, and a large piece of transparent plastic.

The fans and gun and peg on his back for storage.

Otherwise, he can hold the gun in either hand.

While you can also peg the fan at the end of the gun to replicate dominator discs from the episode The Core.

Of course, you can also also peg the gun on his shoulder, to replicate his usual shoulder gun.

Finally, pegging the transparent blue plastic on his back will give him wings and it looks really impressive, and it works much better than you would expect.

Wheeljack feels like a high quality mode just because he compacts so much, he feels very solid, although his arms are a little bit too short.

A fantastic robot mode that looks great (despite a lack of paint except for his torso, the clean white is really nice in hand) and plays well, as he has a decent amount of accessories and options.


It's a shame that Origin Wheeljack is an exclusive, as this is a wonderful figure.  While it is personal tastes, he looks the best out of Origin Jazz and Origin Bumblebee.  Both modes are fun, and the transformation is clever and fun.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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