Friday, July 10, 2020

Tomb Raider (2018)

Tomb Raider is based on the rebooted game of the same name and its story is only loosely adapted.  It had to serve as an introduction to Lara and thus the first half is pretty by the numbers.  It spends a tad bit too long in setting up Lara as a normal person living in London but also the heir to an enormous fortune.  In order to find her father, she sets out to find someone willing to take her to an isolated island and then due to the treacherous waters, ends up being stranded on it.  The second half is where the action increases with plenty of gunfights, arrows being shot and fistfights.  Up until this point, everything is predictable and bland since the film does not do anything new.  However, once the characters get into the tomb, the tone shifts to like a Indiana Jones movie, and in a good way.  It starts to blend together supernatural and reality and this makes it really intriguing on discovering the truth behind the tomb's inhabitant.  Unfortunately, it doesn't explore this aspect for too long before everything is revealed quickly and it devolves back into yet another generic action sequence.  Tomb Raider is an average film, it holds promise but doesn't deliver most of it but it can be entertaining towards the end if you stick with it.
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