Sunday, January 26, 2025

Toy Review: Transformers Earthspark Terran Thrash (Deluxe)

Name:  Terran Thrash
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Terran
Line:  Earthspark
Year of Release:  2024
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 5)
Mold Status:  new


Thrash transforms into a motorcycle, based upon his appearance in the Earthspark cartoon.

Released in the more expensive and complicated Deluxe size class, this is in general a better motorcycle than the Warrior version.  He's also casted in a much more whiter plastic.

As a motorcycle though, he has the disadvantage of being very small / light for a Deluxe.

Unfortunately, he loses the sidecar, which seems like a massive downgrade.  Instead, the shield is a non-transformable weapon that attached along with the gun on the back.

There is a kickstand to help keep him upright on the table.

One of the annoying things is that he is not symmetrical on both sides.  The robot feet is designed to be slightly offset, which you would initially have thought to be misassembled but it is not an error...

A decent enough motorcycle, just the asymmetrical robot feet on either side of the motorcycle to be disappointing.


Thrash has an okay transformation, it's actually fairly uninspired for a motorcycle Transformer.  The front and rear wheels along with the bottom half of the motorcycle forms the robot legs.  The upper portion are the arms, while the front is the chest.


Thrash has a very good looking robot mode, impressive given that he is so slim with barely any motorcycle kibble hanging off.

The biggest piece of kibble are the wheels behind his legs, but they feel like they are integrated well enough into the robot mode to not be in the way.

The head sculpt is fine, there are some metallic teal highlights.

Height-wise, he is standard for a Deluxe, just that he is very slim.

Articulation is fantastic, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and ankles.  The ankles in particular has a great range of motion.

He comes with two weapons, a shield (that in the cartoon is formed by the sidecar) and a small gun.

The gun can be held in his hand, while the shield pegs onto his forearms.  They look pretty decent.

When not in use, the gun can peg onto his back.

A quick comparison with the Warrior class version released earlier and this Deluxe version is proportioned much better, just that he is missing the sidecar shield that actually transforms as well.

The cleaner white also looks nicer.

He is well balanced and proportioned, adding to his play value.  The small gun can peg on top of the shield.

A strong robot mode that is the definitive version of the character.


Yes, it is disappointing that Thrash loses the sidecar shield that transforms when compared to the Warrior class figure.  However, he is much better in every other aspect.  The motorcycle is kind of weird with the slightly asymmetrical look (but also easily missed if you didn't know it existed).  The robot mode looks awesome and is a lot of fun to pose.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page and this page.

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