Name: G1 Universe Optimus Prime
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Generations - Legacy: United
Year of Release: 2024
Size Class: Deluxe (Wave 4)
Mold Status: new
Similar to the Missing Link figure released in around the same time, G1 Universe Optimus Prime is designed to be an updated articulated version of the original G1 figure.
The three robot weapons can all store on the back in this mode, even if they don't do anything to try and blend in.
Surprisingly and interestingly, all six wheels are made of softer rubber-like plastic, so they grip the surface really well.
Despite the simplicity of the figure, the vehicle mode isn't perfect either as there are some extremely visible joints along the side, made more visible due to it affecting the silver striping.
You might be surprised, or not, but he transforms very similar to the original, with just a few tweaks here and there. The back folds down and splits to become the legs. The arms from the side of the cab, flip out the fists, and you then flip up the head. It's a classic transformation scheme and the simplicity works well for this figure.
It's more obvious in robot mode in that it is supposed to be an articulated version of the original G1 toy, and it doesn't hide it at all. So he has the awkwardly large torso that's the whole front of the truck plus the whole bumper.
However, also due to that faithful transformation, he doesn't have much kibble, only a block behind his torso.
The head sculpt is also based upon the original, so not as well proportioned as later Optimus figures. He does feature yellow lightpiping which is nice.
Articulation is where this figure shines, and he has all the contemporary articulation you'd expect, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hips, knees, and ankles.
His chest folds down to reveal the Matrix of Leadership, in a translucent blue. While it is detachment, Optimus doesn't have the means to hold it.
He has two guns: one thicker and one slimmer, representing the running changes of the original figure. He can hold both in his hands.
When not in use, only one gun can peg onto his back. He can't actually store the axe either, so that's a bit disappointing in the storage department.
There's just something so charming about this articulated G1 looking figure. Perhaps, cute is the term? He just looks so good in a retro kind of way.
This is a fantastic robot mode, and is one that made reality of what you remembered the original toy was like.
G1 Universe Optimus Prime is a well designed figure and one that scratched and itch that you probably didn't know you had. Giving modern articulation to the original toy designs ended up being a really good idea, and we get a super fun toy that also looks great on your shelf. His small size is probably his biggest flaw.
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