Friday, December 27, 2019

The Mummy Returns (2001)

The Mummy Returns is a sequel to the first film and all the cast returns, including the antagonists.  If you thought that Imhotep was gone for good then he will make for a surprising comeback.  The film starts off strong, with a good premise involving that of the Scorpion King.  Unfortunately, after the first thirty minutes or so, the pacing drops the ball and the film becomes a slog.  It feels like a bloated 2 hours that they could have distilled to a 1.5 hour experience.  This is because there are a lot of dialogue scenes which doesn't add to the story or atmosphere at all.  The film also has a heavy reliance on CGI, at a time where CGI wasn't that great, so it has not aged well.  Considering the first film was a bit more restrained, it makes The Mummy Returns feel cheap.  Unfortunately, the antagonists feel underdeveloped and underutilized, although one of the final scenes is somewhat sad considering the amount of effort that Imhotep goes into to do, only to be betrayed.  While it's not a terrible film, it's a very mediocre one.
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