Sunday, December 15, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Generations Studio Series Hightower (Deluxe)

Review:  #528
Name:  Hightower
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Generations - Studio Series
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 7)
Mold Status:  new


Hightower is a Constructicon from the Revenge of the Fallen movie, although he only appeared in alternate mode and was never given a robot mode (except for concept art).

He transforms into at truss crane and while basic, it's realistic.  There are small plastic wheels underneath to allow him to roll.

Above is a comparison against Studio Series Lockdown for size.

The crane boom has limited articulation, it can move forward and back.  Unlike the Legends figure, he lacks a hook and only has a claw, which is molded open.

While the crane's articulation is disappointing, this is a pretty good alternate mode all in all.


As is the trend for Transformers these days, Hightower is pretty simple to go between the modes.  You pretty much flip the alternate mode upside down, fold the back of the crane to bulk up the torso, the tread forms the feet and flip out his small arms.


One thing that must be said with the live-action series is how the designers are not afraid to create unorthodox robot modes.  Hightower is as weird as they go with dominating legs and tiny arms.

He carries some bulk on his back which doubles as the joint to connect for combined mode.

The headsculpt is complex and intricate.

The head is on a long neck which has three hinges but lacks side to side motion.

In terms of size, he has the mass of a Deluxe but due to his body shape, he is shorter than other Deluxes.

As part of the Studio Series line, Hightower comes with a cardboard stand.  His one depicts the desert scene in which the Constructicons combine to form Devastator.

Thanks to how his treads fold to form legs, it's hard to have Hightower fully on the stand.

Articulation is poor.  The legs have enough joints and is very versatile.

The arms is where it fails since they are stubby and only hinge up and down.  The crane/claw overhead is also disappointing in its range of movement.

While it can be described as ugly, the robot mode also holds a certain amount of charm just for being so striking and different.


Hightower as a standalone figure is a bit too weird and static to be more than just average.  However, as a component of Devastator, and the fact that the Constructicons all have somewhat unorthodox robot modes, then Hightower is a worthy purchase.  There's just something that keeps catching your eye about this figure.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.

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