Friday, February 7, 2020

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

One of the most anticipated movies of the decade, waiting the year after the cliffhanger of Infinity War was really tough.  As the culmination of over 10 years of Marvel films, Endgame delivers a satisfying ending to the initial saga.  One of the biggest questions in the lead up was how the characters were going to undo the ending of Infinity War and the answer was a bit... generic.  Before it gets to that though, it dealt with the aftermath and how all the remaining characters reacted.  Then the answer is tentatively found (and you nod your head that yes, this is probably the direction the writers went ahead with) and over two-thirds of the film is set up.  This can lead to a bit of fatigue because it is basically a giant fetch quest involving the same characters.  It's still a large cast, but when you have as large a cast as Avengers, it's a bit disappointing that they all don't get equal screen time.  Infinity War kept up the tension and pacing as it was a race against Thanos, while Endgame was more doing its own thing.  It cleverly weaved into its story massive references from each of the different franchises making it up and this was a lot of fun to watch.  Endgame delivered multiple unexpected scenes and it seems to know the expectations of its viewers and then goes ahead to subvert them.  The humor is once again spot on, not enough to not take the film seriously but makes it into a fun ride.  The climax is where it is at and what a typical Avengers movie is.  It was a wild ride and seeing the teamwork is always awesome.  The ending was also interesting in how to wrapped up a few of its characters' stories.  Overall, Avengers:  Endgame is a solid film but feels like it doesn't manage to keep the pacing of Infinity War purely because they had different aims.
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