Saturday, February 29, 2020

Book Review: Kokoro Connect Vol. 2

Review:  #900
Title:  Kokoro Connect Vol. 2
Series:  Kokoro Connect – 2nd volume
Author:  Sadanatsu Anda & CuteG
Comments:  The second volume continues exploring the friendship within the group and the various problems that slowly surface due to the predicament they find themselves in.  It feels a lot more personal, particularly since we see some of their deepest secrets, things that affect them as a person to their very core.  It’s an interesting premise and it works well here.  We follow Taichi who is too much of a nice guy, to the point where it hurts the others.  There are some funny dialogue and scenes, especially when Taichi has to compromise in an effort to help the others.  The problems that the others face are very real; they’re something that you would also be suffering from if you were in their shoes.  It finishes with a cliffhanger involving a character whose problem you’d thought was resolved, this was actually a pretty nice touch.
Rating:  6/10
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