Monday, February 24, 2020

Book Review: Kokoro Connect Vol. 1

Review:  #899
Title:  Kokoro Connect Vol. 1
Series:  Kokoro Connect – 1st volume
Author:  Sadanatsu Anda & CuteG
Comments:  Kokoro Connect, like a lot of other manga, has an interesting premise.  Set at a high school, following a club of five students, they experience the phenomenal known as body swapping.  They only swap bodies between the five of them, and this can happen randomly with no warning.  It is a mystery as to why this occurs and the only hint they got was that they were being observed.  Throughout it all, the story focuses upon the effects this has on their friendship and their fears.  There starts to be no secrets between them and while the pacing drags on for most of the volume, it picks up towards the end when one character reveals their past trauma.  It was an interesting facet of their personality.  Although there are few panels of pure fan service (of the clichéd kind), there is something promising here.
Rating:  6/10
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