Friday, February 21, 2020

Justice League (2017)

Justice League is DC's answer to The Avengers but unfortunately, like the rest of the films in the DC Extended Universe, it fails to live up to any expectations and is an overall bland result.  Combining the forces of Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and Superman, as half of the cast did not have their own solo film beforehand, Justice League spends the better part of the first half quickly introducing each of them.  As a result, we don't know much about their abilities, their experiences or their motivations.  Combined with this is the fact that so much time was spent getting the group together that it doesn't play off the interactions between them.  Ignoring the obvious CGI of Superman's mustache in certain scenes, Justice League continues on the fast stylized action sequences that does not feel like could actually happen.  Characters fly by so quickly but lacks momentum when they suddenly stop in place really throws you off.  Actually, the film basically has an overuse of CGI, with plenty of scenes that looks obvious fake.  The plot is quite basic being that the superheroes must stop the villain from gaining all the pieces of an artifact lest the whole world be destroyed.  Perhaps the biggest missed opportunity is making viewers care for the characters, their personalities feel dampened.  The pacing is subdued and never quite lifts itself up, even leading up to the climax.  Justice League doesn't come close to living up to its potential but is not quite the disaster as reviews would lead you to believe.
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