Thursday, June 4, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Tutu Puffz (Series 3)

Review:  #559
Name:  Tutu Puffz
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  BotBots (Series 3)
Mold Status:  new


As part of the BotBots line, Tutu Puffz has an interesting alternate mode, being cotton candy (or candy floss in some parts of the world).

Tutu Puffz is not that big, being smaller than a Legion figure, expected though since they're around half the price of a Legion.

While not exactly something you'll find in arcades, it's forgivable and this a pretty unique and novel alternate mode.


It's pretty easy if you have transformed a few BotBots before since it uses the same tricks.  You pull the arms from out of the sides, flip the legs down, and pull the top to reveal the face.


Despite the simple transformation, robot mode looks great and very cute.

Due to the alternate mode, the robot is a bit chubby and round but this adds to her charm.

The face is painted on and it emphasizes on the cuteness factor.

Against, Tutu Puffz is fairly short, not even reaching half the height of Legion Crosshairs.

Articulation is limited to swinging the arms forward and back.  Despite this, the robot mode carries a ton of charm and is another successful BotBot.


Tutu Puffz is yet another winner in the BotBots line.  It helps that they're relatively inexpensive but they are extremely creative in alternate modes.  Candy floss is very cool, and the robot mode works really well.  Tutu Puffz is only available in the Arcade Renegades pack but that pack has enough good bots in it that it is well worth the cost.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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