Sunday, June 21, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers Generations War for Cybertron Siege Red Alert (Deluxe)

Review:  #564
Name:  Red Alert
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Generations - War for Cybertron:  Siege
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 3)
Mold Status:  repaint of Siege Sideswipe


Red Alert transforms into a Cybertronian sports car emergency vehicle, and he looks great in the red and white color scheme.

He is a slight remold of Sideswipe, with the addition of a light bar in vehicle mode.  Due to the white plastic and no painted detail, the rear can look a bit bland.

The light bar can be removed if you prefer a sleeker sports car.

Above is a comparison against Studio Series Lockdown, and you can see that Red Alert is a bit smaller.  Despite that, he feels pretty solid and compact.

The robot gun can peg on the side of the vehicle.

A great looking vehicle mode, the brilliant and the rich red matches really well.


Red Alert has a simple-ish transformation, but it works really well.  The front folds down to become the chest with the waist piece folding from underneath in the process.  The sides form the arms and the rear unfold to become the legs.  If you've ever handled Masterpiece Sideswipe (or any of its repaints), you'll recognize a few similarities, and this is a good thing.


Red Alert's robot mode continue the great looking color scheme but now with the addition of more black.  He has some silver battle damage splatter on his shins, which is somewhat annoying and out of place.

He lacks kibble which is awesome.

The only difference in terms of sculpting compared to Sideswipe is the head.

A quick size comparison against Refraktor and Sideswipe, and shows Red Alert is the standard height of the smaller contemporary Deluxes.

Articulation is strong since it one of the main focus of the Siege line.

He has joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and limited ankle movement.

His weapon is a gun.

The gun can be held in either hand.

Officially though, you combine the light bar with the gun to form some sort of ax / club weapon.

Red Alert uses the gun's barrel as the handle, to be honest, it looks somewhat ridiculous.

There are various 5mm ports on his arms and shoulders, so there is plenty of options to use his weaponry.

One of the best robot modes we've had for a while.


Red Alert, just like Sideswipe, is a fantastic mold and one of the best the Siege line has to offer.  The color scheme is fantastic and makes the figure pop out in both modes.  He has a few weaponry options in robot mode, and he's worthwhile even if you already have Sideswipe.


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