Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War (2016)

The Seven Deadly Sins:  Signs of the Holy War is an anime based upon the manga series.  It is a four episode special featuring an original story.  It is set straight after the ending of the first season with the big bad gone, as Meliodas and his group (known as The Seven Deadly Sins) settles down.  These episodes serve to further develop and showcase the strong camaraderie between the characters.

Set in a fantasy world where a lot of people have powerful abilities, the country of Britannia was once protected by the Holy Knights.  However, they turned corrupt and the kingdom was saved by Meliodas and his group at the end of the first season.  The princess, Elizabeth, whom shouldn’t have any more reason to stay with the group now that her father has been saved, remains with the group anyway.  The group is still residing at the capital despite the finale of the last season and they have all having fun.

This is pretty much a continuation of the first season with more episodes.  Meliodas still do inappropriate things to Elizabeth, who is the main source of fan service.  Despite the title of the four episode special, it only has some light foreshadowing of what is going to occur in the next season.  It is more of a series of breather episodes where the characters have fun and go on their day to day lives.  Thus we get episode plots where Hawk (their mascot pig, who is extremely cute now) runs away and the group has to search for him, or Meliodas and Ban dueling for fun.

Some of the returning characters feel forced but it does helpfully expand a lot of the characters’ relationships with each other.  It is only at the end of the four episode where it reveals a major plot point for the next season, giving a big hint on who or what the villain might be.

Overall, The Seven Deadly Sins:  Signs of Holy War is okay for what it is.  If you were a fan of the characters and the first season, then there is no reason to skip this as it can be fun and amusing checking up on the characters.  The animation and artstyle remains good and despite the obvious filler content, it remains enjoyable just because the characters are likable.


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