Thursday, June 17, 2021

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Tidy Trunksky (Series 5)

Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2020
Size Class:  BotBot (Series 5)
Mold Status:  new


As part of the Frequent Flyers subgroup, Tidy Trunksky transforms into a rolling suitcase, although of the more unusual pink color.

This is surprisingly a great alternate mode, the sculpted wheels are painted silver to help it stand out, as well as the handle.

The figure is fairly big for a BotBot, above is a comparison against Legion Barricade.

A decent alternate mode that despite its mundane nature, works surprisingly well.


The transformation is fun as well.  The top splits in half to open up and reveal the face.  While the arms fold out from the middle to the sides, and then the bottom part flips up to reveal chest details and the legs.


The robot mode is fantastic as well and the best part is that the figure feels extremely solid and bulky for the line.

The back is effectively unchanged, all of the transformation happens at the front.

The biggest negative might be that the face is like an opened book, with two ugly panels on either side of the face.

As mentioned, Tidy Trunksky feels big and hefty for a BotBot, she might be one of the bigger ones too.

Poseabilty is limited to only the arms but when the robot mode has this much personality, that is easily forgiven.


Tidy Trunksky is a fantastic BotBot and one of the best in the line.  It helps that she is one of the bigger figures as well, so you do feel you got your money's worth.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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