Sunday, June 27, 2021

Toy Review: Transformers Cyberverse Starscream (Deluxe)

Name:  Starscream
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Decepticon
Line:  Cyberverse
Year of Release:  2020
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 5)
Mold Status:  new


Starscream transforms into a Cybertronian jet in his typical color scheme.  It's not the most aerodynamic of jets and it is actually a little bit disappointing in where each pieces ends up being in this mode.

It's a bulky and gappy jet.  There's quite a bit of undercarriage kibble, as well as an odder protrusion at the top.  Nevertheless, it's still recognizable as a jet and passable.

Above is a comparison against TLK Bumblebee.  Even though this is a Deluxe size class, the Cyberverse versions were always a tad bit smaller than Deluxes within the Generations mainline (Siege, Earthrise etc).

From the fifth wave onwards, there are no Build-A-Figure pieces anymore, however, Starscream comes with a bunch of clear effects parts as a replacement.

He comes with two blast effects and a missile firing effect.  All through can peg on in jet mode

This is an okay jet mode.  The effects parts and the nature of a being a jet helps in the play value department


The legs unfold from the bottom and the back half, surprisingly enough.  The cockpit then folds down to form the torso, while the arms are underneath the wings.  The whole wing and arm assembly are on a piece that folds and connect to Starscream's back, which is fairly surprising and impressive.


Starscream's robot mode is pretty good and immediately recognizable as the character.  However, his legs seems to be proportionally long though.

He doesn't have too much kibble.  He has the wings at the back and they peg together to hold the whole arm assembly in place.

The head sculpt is okay, since it is heavily stylized in line with the show.

In terms of size, he's approximately the same height as a normal Deluxe, although he does feel less substantial given the even higher prevalence of hollow parts.

Since the focus of recent Deluxes is articulation, Starscream does not lose in this area.  He has joints with his head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles.

One of the best aspects of the robot mode is how well the cockpit integrates into his torso, it looks very natural.

He can utilize the various effects parts.  The missiles can peg onto his chest, to reflect the chest missiles he had in the show.

The two blast effects can peg onto each of his null-rays, which are his main weapons in robot mode.

This is a great robot mode and is the best rendition we have of this incarnation.


The Cyberverse Deluxes are fun and Starscream is no exception.  In fact, he improves upon the formula by giving up several effects parts.  While the jet mode is somewhat weak, he makes up for it in robot mode which looks and plays great.


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