Thursday, April 11, 2019

Book Review: Sword Art Online: Progressive Vol. 3

Review:  #828
Title:  Sword Art Online:  Progressive Vol. 3
Series:  Sword Art Online:  Progressive - 3rd volume
Author:  Reki Kawahara
Comments:  Vol. 3 covers the arc where Asuna and Kirito investigate the blacksmith who had broken Asuna’s rapier when she was trying to upgrade it.  The humor is actually quite good here, with a lot of visual gags.  However, the flipside is that there is more fan service compared to the light novel.  Nonetheless, the volume focuses on developing the relationship between Asuna and Kirito, and already you know that they are a great team and have gotten used to each other.  The mystery isn’t structured well since the reveal happens too soon, feeling anticlimactic.
Rating:  6.5/10
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