Friday, April 26, 2019

Whisky Tango Foxtrot (2016)

Whisky Tango Foxtrot stars Tina Fey as Kim Baker, a news report who ends up accepting a station in the Afghanistan, in order to provide coverage to the war.  It begins naturally with her like a fish out of water, with a bit of naivety when engaging with the US troops, the sounds of gunfire at night and just the reality that she may actually die at any time.  However, she will soon get accustomed to living in this foreign country and understanding its customs as well as picking up the language.  The film presents an interesting (and often left out of war films) aspect of a person in a foreign country fighting a war.  It dives into the recreation activities, their relationships and what they do when they are not engaged with the enemy.  Over time, Kim dangerously gets addicted to the risk that she is placing herself in, escalating in order to get the best shot.  It is something that does happen so it's interesting to see it portrayed here.  Throughout it all, romantic relationships does get pushed to the forefront at times and despite being billed as a comedy drama film, the drama part wins out a lot more than the comedy.  Overall, while Whisky Tango Foxtrot has plenty of slow and boring scenes, there's enough going for it keep you engaged.
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