Sunday, April 28, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Bumblebee Bumblebee (Camaro) (Speed Series)

Review:  #495
Name:  Bumblebee
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Bumblebee
Year of Release:  2018
Size Class:  Speed Series (Wave 1)
Mold Status:  new but shares engineering with wavemate VW Bumblebee


This new version of Bumblebee transforms into a 1977 Chevrolet Camaro, the same one as from the first film.

Unfortunately, there's a few things that ruin this vehicle mode.  First is that only the front windshield is painted black and the others are unpainted.  The second is the giant block at the back which is part of the gimmick that you can launch the toy using the launcher from a larger toy.

Size-wise, there's not much to say.  He's comparable to other Legion class toys, above is a comparison against TLK Crosshairs.

While the sculpting is good, it is ultimately leg down by the unpainted side windows.


While simple, it works really well.  The sides pull out to form the arms, the back unfolds for the legs and then the hood clips onto his back.  He shares the same engineering as the VW version in the same wave.


This version has a much better proportion than the 2007's Legends figure although it makes do with a fake chest.

His main piece of kibble is the windshield and hood but it sits close to his back so it doesn't affect anything.

The headsculpt is busy and at this size, makes it look fairly cute.

In robot mode, Bumblebee is a little bit taller than your standard Legion.

Articulation is pretty good, thanks to transformation joints.  He has balljoined shoulders, hips and hinged knees.

The hips don't give as much range as you'd expect from a balljoint, and it likes to pop off if you overstretch it.

There's a fair amount of paint here (which explains why the vehicle mode lacks some details), with silver for his face, torso and black striping on his chest.

A strong robot mode overall and it's a good thing that the large peg hole in vehicle mode doesn't hamper robot mode like it did for Barricade.


For a relatively inexpensive Bumblebee figure, this is one of the better ones.  It has two good modes which provides simplicity and fun.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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