Monday, April 15, 2019

Book Review: Sword Art Online: Progressive Vol. 4

Review:  #829
Title:  Sword Art Online:  Progressive Vol. 4
Series:  Sword Art Online:  Progressive - 4th volume
Author:  Reki Kawahara
Comments:  The whole volume dedicates itself to the boss battle of the second floor, as well as resolving the arc involving the blacksmith scam.  The battle was fairly exciting, although at the same time subdued since Kirito was forced into the background taking out the sub-boss instead.  The way the conflict involving Nezha and his scam of stealing other players’ weapons was idealistic.  Due to that, it felt cheesy and corny as a result.  As is the way for Sword Art Online to be melodramatic, it is in full force here, with various characters turning up at the last second with some sort of heroic action to save the day which can really kill the mood.
Rating:  6/10
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