Sunday, June 9, 2019

Toy Review: Digivolving Spirits 07 MagnaAngemon

Review:  #501
Name:  MagnaAngemon
Brand:  Digivolving Spirits
Year of Release:  2018
Variations:  none


The seventh figure in the Digivolving Spirits line is HolyAngemon, otherwise known as MagnaAngemon in the English translation.

He comes in a nice box and excellent stock photos, as well as a sneak peak at the next figure in the line.


Patamon is actually pretty good.  The proportions are near spot on and he is exceedingly cute in real life.

The only part where you can see the bits of MagnaAngemon is from the back where the legs are peeking out.  Slightly disappointing considering that this mode is formed completely by shell pieces so you wouldn't think it would have been that much harder to cover up this part too.

All four legs have limited balljoints and the ears have a balljoint and hinge joint, being quite versatile.

A really nice Patamon and worth the effort of transformation.


As you can probably tell from looking at Patamon and then MagnaAngemon, the figure is heavily reliant on shellforming.  In a nutshell, the pieces forming Patamon all become MagnaAngemon's wings.  Transforming from MagnaAngemon actually isn't as difficult as you might have feared as the tolerances are somewhat generous for the most part.  Similar to Atlur Kabuterimon, MagnaAngemon is pretty much tucked into a ball and then surrounded by plastic.


Seriously, MagnaAngemon is the reason you bought the figure and he does NOT disappoint.

MagnaAngemon looks absolutely amazing in hand and while you may expect the figure to be a huge mess just by looking at the wings and joints, it's actually handled pretty well here.

The headsculpt is pretty good, thanks to using transparent purple plastic as the visor.

The visor can lift up to show the face.  The head is on a balljoint.

His right arm has a purple blade.

While the left arm has a purple shield.

Poseability in theory sounds good as he has joints for his shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ankles.

Unfortunately, the wings get in the way... a lot.  They also cause the figure to become unstable and unable to stand up when you try to do anything much more dynamic than just standing neutrally.

The wings are semi-adjustable but are designed and angled in such a way that they look the best when arranged in the way the stock photos are.  The figure has some die-cast pieces including in the torso.

MagnaAngemon feels like a premium product.  He's hefty in your hand and Bandai has not skimped on paint applications.  You'd be hard pressed to find some sort of improvement that they could have done with the color scheme.

MagnaAngemon feels like one of the flagship items on your shelf.  He is a massive improvement over Angewomon and is an impressive feat of engineering.


MagnaAngemon is definitely worth the high asking price.  While he may not be as stable and playable as Atlur Kabuterimon, he is extremely impressive as a display piece.  The complexity of how he looks cannot be understated and he is a solid figure overall.


For other toy reviews, have a look at this page.
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