Sunday, June 2, 2019

Toy Review: Transformers Encore Big Convoy (Ultra)

Review:  #500
Name:  Big Convoy
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Maximal
Line:  Encore
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  Ultra
Mold Status:  repaint of the original Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy


Big Convoy is part of the Encore line, taking a mold from Beast Wars Neo and repainting it to look closer to the anime color scheme.

He comes in a similar box to the original but with the "Encore" label in the top right corner.

Also included is a card showing a (rudimentary) 3D model of the character.


One of the most unique things about this toy, and we have never had one since, is that Big Convoy transforms into a woolly mammoth.

This is an excellent alternate mode but as you'd expect with the Beast Wars toys, this mode is heavily reliant on panels and you can see all the gaps.  The only visible robot parts are from the back.

Big Convoy was an Ultra Class back in the day which was one step above Voyagers.  Above is a comparison against Titans Return Voyager Optimus.  Big Convoy is heavy and with the shrinking size of toys these days, he's probably heftier than Leader Class now.

There are two gimmicks here.  The first is if you pull the tab behind the head it moves the trunk (which is a softer flexible plastic).

The second gimmick is if you pull the ears then it moves the tusks.

Lastly, there is an attack mode of sorts but is basically opening up the mammoth and revealing the huge gun.  It's pretty stupid and forgettable.

An excellent beast mode and while he is static since the limbs don't move at all, it looks great and it still packs in some gimmicks.


There is a reason why Big Convoy is the poster boy for shellformers.  The mammoth mode is literally a shell with the robot curled up inside, therefore going from mammoth to robot is easier than the other way around.  A third of the figure forms the gun and at least this is detachment, making it an easier time to manipulate the various panels.


Big Convoy has a striking robot mode, especially with the tusks on the shoulders.

Even with such a huge piece removed for the gun, he has heaps of kibble, mostly around the legs and waist.

The headsculpt is familiar and is on a balljoint.

While Big Convoy may be around the height of a Voyager, he is much bulkier and heavier than one.

One of the great things about the Beast Wars figures was that they packed plenty of articulation, to the point where it is still decent to this day.

Big Convoy has various balljoints and hinges, however, the various panels on his legs often get in the way.

The other great thing is that the figure packs in heaps of gimmicks.  Underneath each forearm are flip-out tonfa like weapons.

Thankfully, his large footprint makes him stable in most poses.

Open up his chest and you'll reveal a vacuum metalized matrix.

The matrix is removable and can be held by any figure with 5mm fists.

On each leg are missile launchers, these are spring-loaded and at times, feels like they are too easy to fire, especially when you're trying to adjust the legs.

However, how can we forget about the huge gun?  This is formed from around one-third of the mammoth and is a beast of a gun.

The gun has a 5mm post and since it is so big, it's extremely unwieldy.

If you don't want to use it though, it can store on his back.  Of course, this restricts him arms somewhat.

Even with the huge piece on his back, Big Convoy manages to keep his balance well.

Lastly, his shoulder pieces can be flip up to reveal non-firing missiles.  You can also angle the gun stored on his back in such a way to make it an overhead cannon.

TakaraTomy haven't skimped on the paint applications which helps justify the high price.

A fantastic robot mode that still holds up to this day and packs in so many gimmicks it's crazy.


It's a testament to the designer when Big Convoy is still so much fun today as it was back when it was released.  While the aesthetics has aged the various gimmicks and solid feel of the figure is a massive plus.  Big Convoy is worth your while if you have the means.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.
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