Thursday, November 12, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers BotBots Fail Polish (Series 3)

Review:  #605
Name:  Fail Polish
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  N/A
Line:  BotBots
Year of Release:  2019
Size Class:  BotBot (Series 3)
Mold Status:  repaint of Bottocorrect

Fail Polish transforms into a pink bottle of nail polish.  It's a plain bottle, with no labeling and only the lid painted black to break up the pink.
The back has a gap showing off the robot parts, so best to not look at it from that angle.
As a BotBot, Fail Polish is small, above is a comparison against Legion Barricade.

A nondescript alternate mode, if you didn't know it was nail polish, you wouldn't have guessed.


You pretty much open the bottle to get the robot mode.  The sides form the arms, but the lid it attached to the right arm and the top opens up to form a big gun.  The face is revealed when you fold down a side and the legs then flip down.


Fail Polish has a great robot mode, and it is highlighted by the giant gun on his right arm, complete with a sight.

Despite having such a massive gun, the legs are angled such that the whole body tilts back to offset the weight, and the robot balances perfectly.

The face is mostly painted on and Fail Polish has a mischievous grin.

Fail Polish doesn't gain any height at all, above is a comparison against Legion Crosshairs.

Poseability is limited to only rotating the arms.  The hands are undefined but the giant gun really gives the figure a unique charm.


Fail Polish is a redeco of a great mold, so if you haven't gotten it already, then it is definitely worthwhile.  Otherwise, due to the lack of detailing in alternate mode, it's not the best representation of the mold.


For other Transformers reviews, have a look at this page.

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