Sunday, November 1, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers Cyberverse Hot Rod (Deluxe)

Review:  #602
Name:  Hot Rod
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Cyberverse
Year of Release:  2020
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 2)
Mold Status:  new


Hot Rod transforms into a red sports car, pretty much what you would expect of the character.

This figure is very red, and the red used is a tad bit too bright / neon.  The back is disappointing since the robot sticks out without any attempt to try and incorporate it into the vehicle.

In terms of size, Hot Rod is slightly smaller than a typical Deluxe, bear in mind he is simpler too, as well as feeling flimsier and lighter.  Weirdly, the wheels are cast in red plastic but the outside is painted grey and light blue.

He comes with two transparent flame pieces and they can peg where the exhaust ends to replicate the vehicle spewing flames when going fast.

As part of the Build-A-Figure gimmick, Hot Rod comes with the right leg of Maccadam.

Despite the simplicity and solid red, this is an okay vehicle mode.


The transformation is very simple and doesn't try anything new at all.  The back expands to form the legs, while the sides pull out to form the arms.  Then it's pretty much it with the rest of the vehicle folding into a backpack.


Robot mode is a tad bit disappointing considering the neat design of the character mode.  The proportions make Hot Rod seem a bit too slim and awkward.

He has a chunk of the vehicle on his back.  Since it is comprised of panels it sits close to the body and is light.

The headsculpt is simple but spot on, no issues here.

As a Deluxe, Hot Rod is around the normal height, but is noticeably slimmer.

Articulation is decent, he has balljoints for his shoulders, elbows and hips, with hinged knees and ankles.

The hinged ankles work really well in keep him standing flat on the surface.  Sadly, his arms are encumbered with a huge panel, it is tries to minimize the impact by having it mimic the exhaust weapons but it sticks out way too far from his fist.

He comes with two transparent flame effect pieces.

The pieces actually peg into the same place as vehicle mode, but here, they act as flames coming out of his exhaust weapons.

The flames are sculpted in such a way that it seems like they can be used as flame blades as well.

The sculpting is okay, it's the color scheme that lets the robot down.  There's too much solid red that makes the robot seem off.


Hot Rod is an average figure, his biggest draw is the fact that he comes with another piece of Maccadam.  The vehicle mode is so so, and the robot mode is hampered by the awkward proportions and lack of paint apps.  The solid red really hurts.


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