Sunday, November 8, 2020

Toy Review: Transformers Cyberverse Grimlock (Deluxe)

Review:  #604
Name:  Grimlock
Brand:  Transformers
Allegiance:  Autobot
Line:  Cyberverse
Year of Release:  2020
Size Class:  Deluxe (Wave 2)
Mold Status:  new


Grimlock transforms into a robotic dinosaur and is primarily cast from unpainted grey plastic with some yellow highlights.

The visible robot kibble in this mode are where you'll expect, with the robot fists behind the legs, and the robot legs forming the tail.

By having a beast alternate mode, Grimlock can feel bigger than vehicular comparisons.  Above is a comparison against Siege Sideswipe.

The crown is actually removable but there's no way to store is otherwise.

The articulation is Grimlock's biggest failing, he is nearly unposeable.  His jaw can open and close, and his legs can rotate, but neither his arms nor legs can bend.

The flame effect can peg into the mouth for a fire breathing effect.

As part of the Build-A-Figure gimmick of the line, he comes with right arm of Maccadam.

This is a decent robotic dinosaur mode, just a tad bit disappointing with its articulation.


The transformation follows a typical Grimlock figure but gives a twist in how the legs are formed.  While the dinosaur head and neck folds away as kibble on his back, and the dinosaur legs form his arms, the best part are the legs, which can be a little bit complicated.  They are actually attached sideways in dinosaur mode so requires a few more twists in order to free up and form the legs.


The robot mode is pretty good as well although the proportions are biased towards being cartoony, in particular, the wider legs.

He carries the dinosaur head and neck as a backpack kibble, with the panels forming wings.

The unpainted grey plastic is okay for the most part but hurts the most with the face, which makes it lose too much of the sculpted detailing.

In terms of height, Grimlock is around the same size as contemporary Deluxes.

Articulation is decent, with joints for his head, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and ankles.

For ranged weaponry, he has missile pods on the top of his shoulders.

Grimlock comes with two accessories, a crown and a flame effect.

The crown can peg onto his head and that's really the only place to store it.

While the flame effect can be held as a club in his arms.  Considering he lacks a ranged weapon, this is the only option.

While it is dependent on your figure, there are some cases of loose joints, in particular, the hips which can be annoying when it flops around.

Nevertheless, Grimlock has a solid robot mode.


This is a solid Deluxe figure.  While it doesn't really stand out in terms of cleverness, the aesthetics is nice.  The usage of grey unpainted plastic can be off-putting but it can be a lot worse.


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