Review: #9
Name: Wheeljack
Brand: Transformers
Allegiance: Autobot
Line: Generations (Wave 7)
Year of Release: 2011
Size Class: Deluxe
Variations: Retooled from RtS Tracks, also a United Wheeljack that has slightly different paint applications
Prepare for a long review, as being a retool of Tracks, and having both toys, I will be doing a lot of comparisons. Wheeljack transformers into a sports type car like Tracks, but with some added modifications. In particular, a spoiler, front skirt, and different sculpted exhausts.
Wheeljack features a lot of paint applications, and I would even think maybe more than Tracks. Wheeljack's grill thingie at the back is painted, and although you might think his hubcaps are not, they're actually painted a dark charcoal grey that blends with the black too well (you can notice the 'sparkles' when light is shone on it). He still lacks painted back exhaust pipes however.
I love how the designers didn't go for the easy way out and just repaint Tracks and leave it at that. They took the time to add some extras to make this work really well as Wheeljack, with the front skirt emulating the unique front of the Lancia (Wheeljack's original G1 car mode).
It's only when you have both Tracks and Wheeljack that you see how many things are different on the mold. For the spoiler, you see the ingenuity of it, instead of remolding the whole back (as I had initially thought), they remolded the little flip over piece that used to attach Track's missiles in flight mode.
One of the aesthetic problems would be that when viewed side on, as great as the front skirt is, it just seems too long, add that to the fact that Wheeljack sits so low on the ground compounds the problem.
One great thing is that the remolded missiles from Tracks (now wrenches) works much better as some sort of side exhausts (on Tracks, they seems really weird and stick out too much).
I like the paint scheme on Wheeljack, was always partial to it, and this slight redesign of the pattern is still really resembles the original. However, the darker paint scheme of Tracks looks much better on the mold.
Looking at the bottom, the front area seems a lot hollower than Tracks, he feels a little less solid. Nevertheless, a great car mode, with some modifications that makes it above and beyond Tracks' version.
The contrasting colour schemes provide for the first glance to be different molds. One thing I forgot to note is that the hood paint on the roof seems a lot more prone to rubbing off than Tracks.
The painted back windows on Wheeljack don't blend in with the transparent ones as well. It would have been better if they just used the dark smoky plastic of Tracks rather than the clear, as it's quite obvious that the windows are not all consistently done. Tracks might just be a bit better than Wheeljack, but both are very well done.
Wheeljack keeps the flight mode, the wrenches now stay in the same position as vehicle mode, and I think they do look good there. There is still the flaw of the big gap, and how it cannot sit flat on the table.
There is still the option of the alternate fan mode, which makes it look a lot better. Added play value is always a plus when it doesn't impact on the engineering, and in this case, the flight mode adds a bit to Wheeljack's appeal.
I like Wheeljack's flight mode better purely for the fact that the position of the wrenches hides the extending connection piece (the white plastic on Tracks contrasts too much with the blue, making it easy to pick out).
Wheeljack's wing tips doesn't look much like wings though. Overall, I prefer Wheeljack's flight mode better as it's more pleasing to the eye.
Transformation is near identical with Tracks, but you don't twist the waist around so that the hood acts as his legs.
Wheeljack's weapons include two detachable wrenches and his shoulder cannon (which is unchanged from Tracks' gun). The transformation is easy and fun, with slightly different configuration in terms of the kibble. Just note that Wheeljack's legs do not extend as far as Tracks, not as far as the instruction sheet states.
One word: WOW. It is amazing how they managed to nail down perfectly the looks of G1 Wheeljack, AND G1 Tracks from the same mold. From the wheels on the side of his shoulders to the wings in a 'V' shape behind his back, there are references everywhere. That said, I do think the mold was created with Wheeljack in mind first, as the feet and big chest (which suits Wheeljack perfectly).
He retains the huge protruding backpack, but again, it's hollow and doesn't affect his balance one bit. I love the shoulder cannon sitting to the side of his face, but it sits a bit too close to the head. The two wrenches is a really inventive way to use the clips as wrench heads, and it fits Wheeljack's personality as an inventor fine.
The stubby short look actually works for Wheeljack. Many have complained that the hood as his legs seem a bit too wide (which isn't helped by the shorter thighs), but it is worse in photos than in real life.
If you look carefully and compare part by part, you will notice that Wheeljack is a really extensive retool of Tracks, with many many parts replaced or molded differently. The first thing would be his legs, as the front wheels now fold down as well.
Looking from behind, Wheeljack features an entire reconstruction, it looks nothing like Tracks' shins. Also, the heel pieces look way better as heels than as feet.
The remolded back legs also provide another function... storage. Don't like the wrenches? No matter, you can clip them onto some posts at the back of the leg (not featured on Tracks), a perfect way to keep them out of sight but hard to lose.
The shoulder launcher looks awesome in it's proper place, but it would be even more awesome if it had sit on the actual shoulder rather than at the back. The launcher is based on the cartoon, and so he doesn't have the twin shoulder cannons of the G1 toy.
On to the remolded features, first up is the aforementioned wrenches, they look good in his hands, but in my mind, they are more like blowtorches (it's more weapon-like).
His winglets are also remolded to look more like the original toy, this sets him apart from Tracks. The inside of the door panels attached to the wings are also painted silver, to make it seem that it's all one solid piece.
The head sculpt is great, with clear lightpiping in the eyes AND the ears, which is a great throwback to the cartoon where Wheeljack's ears lights up when he speaks. The only gripe I have is that it seems expressionless, than again, how can you get much expression when there's a faceplate?
Poseability stays the same, which is decent. I really love the way that his feet can stay flat at the table no matter what angle due to the ball joints in his feet and heels.
Overall, a great robot mode that just screams Wheeljack. Considering the closest we got to a Wheeljack toy was Energon Downshift, it's about time an update was done. Yes, there are flaws, but they can be easily overlooked as the mold is really fun and displays well.
Due not being able to extend as much in the legs, he is shorter than the already short Tracks, which is slightly disappointing. Looking at those two side by side, there are a lot of different parts to them, and it creates two very distinct looks. I cannot determine which version I like better as they are both very good.
A great toy, with a wicked vehicle mode, and a strong robot mode. I also recommend getting Wheeljack as he is a great toy in his own right. If you cannot get both (although they are different enough that I didn't mind getting both), it's very hard to determine which one to get. Both have their flaws, I guess it comes down to your preference for colours and the character, but I do think the mold fits Wheeljack a little better.
Here is's gallery of the same toy (with much better photo taking skills...).
Credits: some pages linked to and Wikipedia has been used.
My shameless plug for other reviews of Transformers toys.
I took too many photos once again for this toy, so here's the rest of them (the review was long enough as it already was).
Tracks/Wheeljack comparison
Another comparison.
Flight Mode.
Alternate Flight Mode.
Robot side profile.
Shoulder cannon pose!
Thank you for reading this review!