Monday, May 27, 2019

Book Review: Accel World 14: Archangel of Savage Light

Review:  #840
Title:  Accel World 14:  Archangel of Savage Light
Series:  Accel World - 14th volume
Author:  Reki Kawahara
Comments:  After two volumes of just barely advancing the story, Archangel of Savage Light finally moves it forward a bit more.  Split into two major sections (which was interconnected), Nega Nebulus, joined by Scarlet Rain and Blood Leopard go ahead and save Aqua Current from her state of perpetual death.  It’s exciting albeit obnoxious that such a small group of players can tackle such an intimidating boss.  As if that isn’t enough, the second half deals with the battle against the superboss Metatron, and once again, the small group manages to hold their own against a boss which would normally require a full raiding party.  Nevertheless, you feel that at least the characters are getting closer to their objective even if there were so many distractions along the way.  Silver Crow is becoming more and more overpowered, which you can be in two minds about.  He already had the advantage of being able to fly which was offset by his weak attack power, but now he gains various additional powers that is unique to him and it can feel too contrived.  As expected, the volume ends once again on a cliffhanger.
Rating:  7/10
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