Saturday, May 18, 2019

Book Review: KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World 6 – Princess of the Six Flowers

Review:  #838
Title:  KonoSuba:  God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World 6 – Princess of the Six Flowers
Series:  KonoSuba:  God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World - 6th volume
Author:  Natsume Akatsuki
Comments:  After the sequel hook of the previous volume, Princess of the Six Flowers doesn’t disappoint.  Kazuma is up to his usual antics and this volume provides some of the funniest jokes, gags and dialogue in the series.  You feel that the author is a lot more comfortable with his characters and the world of KonoSuba now.  The plot takes on a slightly different structure with no massive threat for Kazuma and the party to defeat.  What happens is that Kazuma meets the Princess of this world, a cute girl of 12 years old, who fits perfectly into the little sister archetype.  The princess, Iris, doesn’t have a personality that you’d expect but you will soon warm up to her.  While Kazuma’s party, Aqua, Darkness and Megumin doesn’t take as big of a role as a result, the return of several supporting characters is welcome, as if you are meeting old friends you haven’t seen in a while.  There are a few clever elements of the plot and it leads to a very exciting climax in which Kazuma pretty much shows how awesome he can be (and how inventive he can use his basic skills and magic to beat advanced classes).  There are plenty of scenes where even though Kazuma is in the wrong, you can’t help but feel bad for him and that he isn’t getting the recognition he deserves.  Further to this is how annoying Aqua can be with her smug attitude and being useful at the worst possible times.  The epilogue revealed several intriguing and potentially far-reaching plot points.  Princess of the Six Flowers is a great volume that makes you eager for the next one to see more of your favorite characters.
Rating:  7/10
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