Friday, May 17, 2019

The Road to El Dorado (2000)

The Road to El Dorado is a traditionally animated film where two con artists from Spain, Miguel and Tulio, chance upon a map to the legendary City of Gold, El Dorado.  Set in the 1500s, the two managed to accidentally stowaway on a Spanish fleet and end up at El Dorado.  There, the two are treated as gods and as expected, there is always danger with this sort of incorrect reception.  This film is a traditional adventure with plenty of thrills and misadventures by the two protagonists.  However, the villain is a stereotype and the plot loses points there.  A lot of well used plot elements is evident such as the initial aim of Miguel and Tulio being to cheat the natives out of as much as their gold as possible and then run away, slowly start to understand and appreciate other things in life.  While most of the plot takes place in El Dorado, there is always the looming threat of Spanish fleet arriving at their doorstep.  One thing to note is that while the animation is pretty stellar, there was a decision to render all the gold in CGI and it clashes heavily with everything else.  Overall, The Road to El Dorado is a fun and classic comedy film.
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